Drinking gruel is a nutritious Swedish tradition. Good night Mild Oats has a mild yummy wholemeal taste and the amount of fiber is of course specially adapted for the child's age. A serving of Nestlé gruel provides about 40% of your child's daily iron needs. Iron is an important mineral that contributes to your baby's normal cognitive development. Our gruel is a good source of calcium and also contains vitamin D which is needed for the baby's building of the skeleton and iodine which contributes to normal growth in children. Note that the product composition can be changed - always read the list of ingredients on the package before serving the food.
Ingredients: MILK (<0.1% fat), desalted whey powder (from MILK), sifted seaweed flour, veg. oil (rapeseed 7.5%, sunflower 7.5%), CROP 9.5%, WHEAT Starch, PORTABLE flour, minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, iodine), vitamins (A, D, E, C, thiamine, niacin, B6, folic acid, B12, pantothenic acid). Nutritional value per 100 g: energy 284 kJ / 68 kcal, fat 2.9 g - of which saturated fat 0.6 g - of which monounsaturated fat is 1.3 g - of which polyunsaturated fat 0.9 g, carbohydrates 8.4 g - of which sugar 4.5 g , Fibre 0.2 g, Protein 1.8 g, vitamin A 50.8 µg, vitamin D 0.94 µg, vitamin E 1 mg, vitamin C 12 mg, thiamine 0.1 mg, riboflavin 0.1 mg, Niacin 0.87 mg, vitamin B6 0.058 mg, folic acid 6.52 µg, vitamin B12 0.12 µg, pantothenic acid 0.36 mg, potassium 114 mg, chloride 67.6 mg, Calcium 87 mg, phosphorus 58.4 mg, magnesium 7.66 mg, iron 1.2 mg, zinc 0.58 mg, iodine 14.50 µg
German: Semper Milch Gruel
Zutaten: MILCH (<0,1% Fett), entsalztes Molkepulver (aus MILCH), gesiebtes Seetangmehl, Gemüse. Öl (Raps 7,5%, Sonnenblume 7,5%), Getreide 9,5%, Weizenstärke, tragbares Mehl, Mineralien (Kalzium, Eisen, Zink, Jod), Vitamine (A, D, E, C, Thiamin, Niacin, B6, Folsäure B12, Pantothensäure). Nährwert pro 100 g: Energie 284 kJ / 68 kcal, Fett 2,9 g - davon gesättigtes Fett 0,6 g - davon einfach ungesättigtes Fett 1,3 g - davon mehrfach ungesättigtes Fett 0,9 g, Kohlenhydrate 8,4 g - davon Zucker 4,5 g, Ballaststoffe 0,2 g, Protein 1,8 g, Vitamin A 50,8 ug, Vitamin D 0,94 ug, Vitamin E 1 mg, Vitamin C 12 mg, Thiamin 0,1 mg, Riboflavin 0,1 mg, Niacin 0,87 mg, Vitamin B6 0,058 mg, Folsäure 6,52 ug, Vitamin B12 0,12 ug, Pantothensäure 0,36 mg, Kalium 114 mg, Chlorid 67,6 mg, Calcium 87 mg, Phosphor 58,4 mg, Magnesium 7,66 mg, Eisen 1,2 mg, Zink 0,58 mg, Jod 14,50 ug