Creamy and mild tomato soup made of sun-ripe tomatoes. The soup, which is flavoured with CREAM, sage and oregano, is ready to be eaten as it is. It can also be supplemented with various accessories and thus be varied in infinity. One tip is to add boiled pasta and then topped with grated mozzarella and shredded basil leaves.
Ingredients: In a pack of 5dl we have used: 2 1 / 2dl vegetable broth (water, salt, onion, parsnip, carrot, lovage, savoy cabbage, leek, bay leaf, thyme, cayenne pepper), 130g tomato paste, 1 / 2dl MILK, 2 1 / 2msk CROP, 1 / 2msk modified potato starch, sugar, ground oregano, salvia extract, garlic powder, ground white pepper. The amount of tomato paste corresponds to 62% fresh tomatoes. Nutrition declaration: Energy (kcal) 60 kcal, Energy (kJ) 230 kJ, Fat 3 g, Of which saturated fat 1.90 g, Carbohydrates 5.50 g, Of which sugar 2.80 g, Protein 1.20 g, Salt 0.90 g
German: Kelda Tomatensuppe
Zutaten: In einer Packung mit 5 dl haben wir verwendet: 2 1 / 2dl Gemüsebrühe (Wasser, Salz, Zwiebel, Pastinake, Karotte, Liebstöckel, Wirsing, Lauch, Lorbeerblatt, Thymian, Cayennepfeffer), 130 g Tomatenmark, 1 / 2dl MILCH, 2 1 / 2msk CROP, 1 / 2msk modifizierte Kartoffelstärke, Zucker, gemahlener Oregano, Salvia-Extrakt, Knoblauchpulver, gemahlener weißer Pfeffer. Die Menge an Tomatenmark entspricht 62% frischen Tomaten. Nährwertangabe: Energie (kcal) 60 kcal, Energie (kJ) 230 kJ, Fett 3 g, davon gesättigtes Fett 1,90 g, Kohlenhydrate 5,50 g, davon Zucker 2,80 g, Protein 1,20 g, Salz 0,90 g