Arla Köket® Light crème fraiche paprika chili 11% is a flavored light crème fraiche with sweet paprika and hot chili for real heat. The product can be boiled and is therefore excellent in soups and stews or in pasta, but also as a cold sauce. It goes especially well with chicken, Tex-Mex food, oriental dishes, beef, vegetables and seafood. Flavored light crème fraiche is simply a great help in your everyday cooking. The symbol with the blue-yellow cream jug guarantees 100 percent Swedish cream. With the paper packaging, the climate impact is halved compared to the previous plastic packaging.
Ingredients: Pasteurized CREAM, red and green peppers 10%, tomato concentrate, sugar, salt, modified corn starch, stabilizer (fruit pomace, pectin), chili powder, lemon juice concentrate, dried onion, garlic, dried chives, corn starch, natural chili flavor, dried dill, pickling culture.
Nutritional value per 100 g: Energy (kcal) 150 kcal, Energy (kJ) 650 kJ, Fat 13 g, Of which saturated fat 8.2 g, Carbohydrates 5.2 g, Of which sugar 4.5 g, Protein 2.8 g, Salt 1.3 g
German: Arla Crème fraîche Paprika/Chili
Zutaten: Pasteurisierte SAHNE, rote und grüne Paprika 10%, Tomatenkonzentrat, Zucker, Salz, modifizierte Maisstärke, Stabilisator (Fruchttrester, Pektin), Chilipulver, Zitronensaftkonzentrat, getrocknete Zwiebel, Knoblauch, getrockneter Schnittlauch, Maisstärke, natürlich Chiliaroma, getrockneter Dill, Pökelkultur.
Nährwert pro 100 g: Energie (kcal) 150 kcal, Energie (kJ) 650 kJ, Fett 13 g, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 8,2 g, Kohlenhydrate 5,2 g, davon Zucker 4,5 g, Eiweiß 2,8 g, Salz 1,3 g