Swedish vegan meat producer Oumph! is a very unique consistency made of soy, a must for vegetarians and vegans! The Pure Oumph! can be used in an infinite number of dishes.
Oomph! strips with kebab spices, delicious with crispy vegetables and lots of sauce in a wrap!
INGREDIENTS: Water, SOYA protein concentrate 27%, rapeseed oil, grape sugar, salt, paprika, coriander, ginger, garlic, oregano, cumin, black pepper, spice, cardamom, parsley, fennel seeds, natural aroma
Nutritional value per 100 g
Energy (kcal) 138 kcal, Energy (kJ) 577 kJ, Fat 5 g, Of which saturated fat 0.5 g, Carbohydrate 2.1 g, Of which sugar 1.8 g, Fiber 7.1 g, Protein 17 g, Salt 1.5 g, Folic acid 24.6 µg, Iron 2.4 mg
German: Oumph! Vegetarischer Spiced Kebab gefroren
Pep! Streifen mit Dönergewürz, lecker mit knackigem Gemüse und viel Soße im Wrap!
ZUTATEN: Wasser, SOJA-Proteinkonzentrat 27 %, Rapsöl, Traubenzucker, Salz, Paprika, Koriander, Ingwer, Knoblauch, Oregano, Kreuzkümmel, schwarzer Pfeffer, Gewürz, Kardamom, Petersilie, Fenchelsamen, natürliches Aroma
Nährwert pro 100 g
Energie (kcal) 138 kcal, Energie (kJ) 577 kJ, Fett 5 g, davon gesättigtes Fett 0,5 g, Kohlenhydrate 2,1 g, davon Zucker 1,8 g, Ballaststoffe 7,1 g, Protein 17 g, Salz 1,5 g, Folsäure 24,6 µg, Eisen 2,4 mg