The Saltå Fruitmüesli is tasty muesli with a lot of fruit. Muesli contains whole grain flakes of BARLEY, OATS, WHEAT and RYE. Both sprouts and bran remain, which gives a high fiber content. The sweet taste comes from raisins, apricots, figs, dates and apple. All of our dried fruit is nonsulfur treated. For example, it makes the apricots a little darker in colour but also that they become very sweet and good and you avoid unnecessary additives. Muesli is a good start to the day but also suitable as a snack or supper.
Ingredients: CROP FLOWERS *, OATS*, WHEATFLOCKS *, RYEFLAKES*, raisins * (raisins *, sunflower oil **), apricots * (apricots *, rice flour **), corn flakes * (corn *, rice flour *, salt salt), dates * (dates *, rice flour **), figs * (figs *, rice flour **), apple * * KRAV-certified organic ingredients ** EU organic ingredient Müslin contains 27% fruit. Nutrition declaration: Energy (kcal) 330 kcal, Energy (kJ) 1400 kJ, Fat 2.70 g, Of which saturated fat 0.50 g, Carbohydrates 62 g, Of which sugar 16 g, Fiber 11 g, Protein 8.30 g, Salt 0.10 g, Thiamine 0.31 mg, Salt 0.10 g, Thiamine 0.31 mg, Potassium 485 mg, Phosphorus 260 mg, Magnesium 79 mg, Iron 3.60 mg, Zinc 1.80 mg
German: Saltå Kvarn Fruchtgetreide, ökologisch
Zutaten: CROP FLOWERS *, OATS *, WEIZEN Herden *, ROGGENFLOCKEN *, Rosinen * (Rosinen *, Sonnenblumenöl **), Aprikosen * (Aprikosen *, Reismehl **), Maisflocken * (Mais *, Reismehl *, Salz Salz), stammt * (Daten *, Reismehl**), Feigen * (Feigen *, Reismehl **), Apfel * * KRAV-zertifizierte Bio-Zutaten ** EU-Bio-Zutat Musselin enthält 27% fruit. Nutrition Erklärung: Energie (kcal) 330 kcal, Energie (kJ) 1400 kJ, Fett 2,70 g, davon Fett 0,50 g gesättigter, Kohlenhydrate 62 g, davon Zucker 16 g, 11 Fiber g, Protein 8,30 g, Salz 0,10 g, Thiamin 0,31 mg Salz, 0,10 g, Thiamin 0,31 mg, Kalium 485 mg, 260 mg Phosphorus, Magnesium 79 mg, 3,60 mg EIsen, Zink 1,80 mg