Baked crusty muesli with taste of cinnamon, ALMOND & apple. Without added sugar and rich in fiber. Made from carefully selected raw materials for a perfect start to the day. I
Ingredients: OAT FLAKES fiber from chicory, SPELLED flakes, rapeseed oil, oatmeal, dried apple pieces 4%, ALMONDs 4%, apple concentrate, branflakes (whole WHEAT flour, WHEAT bran, BARLEY malt, and salt), sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, black currant concentrate, cinnamon, vanilla extract and sea salt. May contain traces of other NUTS. Nutrition declaration: Energy (kcal) 430 kcal, Energy (kJ) 1790 kJ, Fat 18 g, Of which saturated fat 1.70 g, Carbohydrates 46 g, Of which sugar 9.60 g, Fiber 21 g, Protein 10 g, Salt 0.33 g, Thiamine 0.36 mg, Salt 0.33 g, Thiamine 0.36 mg, Potassium 380 mg, Iron 3.60 mg
German: Paulúns Müsli Zimt, Mandel & Apfel
Zutaten: HAFERFLOCKEN Faser aus Zichorie, DINKELflocken, Rapsöl, HAFERMEHL, getrocknete Apfelstück 4%, Mandeln 4%, Apfelkonzentrat, Branflakes (VOLLKORNMEHL, WEIZENKLEE, Gerste, Malz und Salz), Sonnenblumenkernen, LEInsamen , Kürbiskerne, schwarze Johannisbeere Konzentrat, Zimt, Vanille-Extrakt und Meersalz. Kann Spuren von anderer NUTS. Nutrition Erklärung: Energie (kcal) 430 kcal, Energie (kJ) 1790 kJ, Fett 18 g, von denen Fett 1,70 g gesättigte, Kohlenhydrate 46 g, davon Zucker 9,60 g, 21 g Faser, Protein 10 g Salz 0,33 g, Thiamin 0,36 mg, 0,33 g Salz, Thiamin 0,36 mg, 380 mg Kalium, EIsen 3,60 mg