Slotts Original Mustard - our classic made from only natural ingredients. It is made from yellow and brown mustard seeds, which together with our unique spice mixture gives Slotts its characteristic taste! Slotts Original Mustard is the obvious choice for sausages, burgers, ham, grilled and our Swedish holidays! Can also be used as a seasoning in sauces, stews and dressings. The flexible tube of 220g is easy to take on a picnic or excursion. Slotts is a Royal Court Supplier and was founded in Sweden in 1919. The range also includes strong, guest offerings, coarse-grained Scanian and sweet-strong mustard.
DUO: Because One is Never Enough!
With DUO, get two of your favorite treats and enjoy a 10% discount. Because life’s too short for only one of anything...
Only natural ingredients: Water, MUSTARD SEEDS, vinegar, sugar, salt, spices.
German: Slotts Senf
Zutaten: Nur natürliche Zutaten: Wasser, SENFKÖRNER, Essig, Zucker, Salz, Gewürze.