Felix Old-fashioned Beets are flavored with, among other things, cloves. The beets are harvested by their own growers in southern Sweden. In exceptional cases, the harvest may fail and the beets must be imported, which is stated on the label on the jar. Cooked in Eslöv in the middle of Skåne according to a classic Swedish recipe. With easily opened lid!
Ingredients: Sliced beets * in layers of water *, sugar *, vinegar, salt, preservatives (potassium sorbate) and spice extracts (including cloves). * Swedish origin Nutritional value per 100 g: Energy (kcal) 70 kcal, Energy (kJ) 280 kJ, Fat 0 g, Of which saturated fat 0 g, Carbohydrates 14 g, Of which sugar 13 g, Protein 0.8 g, Salt 0.5 g
German: Felix Eingelegte Rote Beete
Zutaten: Geschnittene Rüben * in Schichten von Wasser *, Zucker *, Essig, Salz, Konservierungsstoffen (Kaliumsorbat) und Gewürzextrakten (einschließlich Nelken). * Schwedische Herkunft. Nährwert pro 100 g: Energie (kcal) 70 kcal, Energie (kJ) 280 kJ, Fett 0 g, davon gesättigtes Fett 0 g, Kohlenhydrate 14 g, davon Zucker 13 g, Protein 0,8 g, Salz 0,5 g Herkunftsland: Schweden