Ahlgrens Bilar with the taste of salt liquorice. Little candy to have at home or why not in the car? Fits when you are craving something salty.
Ingredients: sugar, glucose syrup, water, starch, gelatin, ammonium chloride (= saline), invert sugar syrup, liquorice extract, dyes (E150c, E153), fully-hardened vegetable fat (palm), salt, aromas.
Nutrition declaration: Energy (kcal) 347 kcal, Energy (kJ) 1480 kJ, Fat 0.20 g, Carbohydrates 83 g, Of which sugar 60 g, Protein 4.30 g, Salt 0.23 g
German: Ahlgrens Salziges Lakritz
Zutaten: Zucker, Glukosesirup, Wasser, Stärke, Gelatine, Ammoniumchlorid (= Kochsalzlösung), Invertzuckersirup, Süßholzextrakt, Farbstoffe (E150c, E153), vollständig gehärtetes Pflanzenfett (Palm), Salz, aromas.
Nutrition Deklaration: Energie (kcal) 347 kcal, Energie (kJ) 1480 kJ, Fett 0,20 g, Kohlenhydrate 83 g, davon 60 g Zucker, 4,30 g Protein, Salz 0,23 g