Sill - Made in Kungshamn on the west coast of Bohuslän. The product is MSC-labeled .
Ingredients: HERRING in pieces, sugar, salt, vinegar, spice extracts (including cinnamon, pepper), orange peel, brandy (0.5%), spices, natural aroma, preservative (sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate). Catch area: Herring (Clupea harengus) - Norwegian sea, North Sea, Iceland. Nutrition declaration: Energy (kcal) 240 kcal, Energy (kJ) 1000 kJ, Fat 12 g, Of which saturated fat 2.50 g, Carbohydrates 21 g, Of which sugar 21 g, Protein 11 g, Salt 2.80 g
German: Abba Schnaps Hering
Zutaten: HERING in Stücke, Zucker, Salz, Essig, Gewürzextrakte (EInschließlich Zimt, Pfeffer), Orangenschalen, Weinbrand (0,5%), Gewürze, natürliche Aroma, Konservierungsmittel (Natriumbenzoat, Kaliumsorbat). Fanggebiet: Hering (Clupea harengus) - Norwegische See, Nordsee, Iceland. Nutrition Erklärung: Energie (kcal) 240 kcal, Energie (kJ) 1000 kJ, Fett 12 g, davon Fett 2,50 g, Kohlenhydrate 21 g gesättigte, davon Zucker 21 g, 11 g Protein, Salz 2,80 g