Please note that this is a very fragile product that may break during transportation. We cannot guarantee the state of the biscuits when they arrive.
Ingredients: Rice flour / flour, vegetable margarine (veg. Oil (palm, rapeseed), water / water, salt, emulsifier / emulsifier (polyglycerol esters of veg. Fatty acids), aromas, dyes / dyes (curcumin, annatto extract), invert sugar syrup, sugar / sugar, potato flour / potato / potato flour, tapioca flour / flour, corn flour / flour, spices (cinnamon, cloves / cloves, ginger), buckwheat flour / buckwheat / buckwheat flour, salt, emulsifier / emulsifier of veg (monog fatty acids), baking powder / leavening agent (sodium bicarbonate).
May contain traces of Eggs, Nuts.
Nutritional value per 100 g:Energy (kcal) 458 kcal, Energy (kJ) 1929 kJ, Fat 15 g, Of which saturated fat 5.50 g, Carbohydrates 77 g, Of which sugar 28 g, Protein 3.10 g, Salt 1.40 g
German: Annas Ingwer wird dünner
Zutaten: Reismehl/Mehl, Pflanzenmargarine (veg. Öl (Palm, Raps), Wasser/Wasser, Salz, Emulgator/Emulgator (Polyglycerinester von pflanzlichen Fettsäuren), Aromen, Farbstoffe (Curcumin, Annattoextrakt), Invertzuckersirup, Zucker / Zucker, Kartoffelmehl / Kartoffel / Kartoffelmehl, Tapiokamehl / Mehl, Maismehl / Mehl, Gewürze (Zimt, Nelken / Nelken, Ingwer), Buchweizenmehl / Buchweizen / Buchweizenmehl, Salz, Emulgator / Emulgator von Gemüse (Monogfettsäuren), Backpulver / Backtriebmittel (Natriumbicarbonat).
Kann Spuren von Eiern, Nüssen enthalten.
Nährwert pro 100 g: Energie (kcal) 458 kcal, Energie (kJ) 1929 kJ, Fett 15 g, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 5,50 g, Kohlenhydrate 77 g, davon Zucker 28 g, Eiweiß 3,10 g, Salz 1,40 g