We read somewhere that the best sausages are the ones you love. Amen to that. Of course, you also have to choose ones that are suitable for being grilled...which, admittedly, is most sausages.
In addition, we recommend you use sausages that have as few additives as possible. Flavorings like cheese, bacon, chili and what have you can be delightful, but lots of preservatives are not.
Some of our favourite sausages come from Per i Viken (Per in the Bay in English!). These are made from "pure" ingredients and several have won gold in Sweden for their incredible taste. And perhaps it's not so strange as the business that transformed into Per i Viken was set up already in 1926! Talk about having a long history of making high-quality charcuterie!
While you'll find many modern (and international) flavors at Per i Viken today, the craftsmanship that goes into making their products is still old-fashioned, if you so like---they genuinely care to ensure that every product on their shelves is made to perfection. This is one of the many reasons we enjoy working with them.
If you're going camping, you might want to try Pilsner Korv (beer sausage). Interestingly, they contain no beer, but were originally marketed by a famous Swedish actor in the 1950s who made so-called "pilsner movies." As you can imagine, the plot centred around beer (and the comedic mishaps you might have if you imbibe). These sausages come in a tin (tinned food was all the rage in the 1950s) and are therefore easy to bring with you on a camping trip. While the quality is not that of Per i Viken, they've reached cult status in Sweden.
Once you have the perfect sausage hot off the barbie, all you need is some great toppings and perhaps some bread. Being Swedish, we like hot and sweet mustard, but there's also bostongurka (a relish made with pickled cucumber), toasted onions, ketchup, or even skagenröra if you plan
to eat your hot dog with tunnbröd instead of regular hot dog buns.
Of course we also have some great hot dog buns from Korvbrödsbagarn, including sour dough and gluten free options! And as for sides, potato salad, anyone?
Now for that first bite into that perfectly grilled hot dog...we don't know about you, but our mouth's watering!