One is the Loneliest Number and DUO is just so Lagom...

In Sweden, we live by the concept of lagom—the idea that the best way to live is to find the perfect balance, neither too little nor too much, just the right amount. And at Swedishness, we believe that when it comes to your favorite treats, lagom is about having enough to enjoy without holding back.

hat’s why we’ve introduced our new DUO concept—a way to get more of what you love, without feeling like you’re overdoing it. Because let’s be honest: when was one ever enough?

One is the Loneliest Number

Have you stopped at just one?

One piece of chocolate? Or been completely satisfied with a single cup of coffee? The truth is, one might feel sensible, but why the hell should we be sensible when life is so insensibly short. That’s because one of anything great can't be anything but… lonely.

Here at Swedishness, we think lagom—is about finding the perfect balance—comes with two. It’s not too much, it’s not wasteful, it’s just right. That’s why we created DUO, where you can get a double pack of our most-loved products at a 10% discount. Twice the joy, and perfectly balanced - Just so Lagom...

Lagom is the Smart Choice

In a world full of excess, we often find ourselves surrounded by too much of what we don’t really need—things that don’t bring us real joy. 

Like all those hours we wasted, square meter we didn't need, upgrades that didn't change anything...

Yet, at the same time, we’re filled with guilt about the simple pleasures that actually make us happy. Whether it’s taking an extra moment for ourselves in the morning, savoring a few precious seconds more of someone’s gaze, or enjoying that extra cinnamon bun that won’t really change anything in the grand scheme of things— the things that matter.

Lagom, the Swedish philosophy of balance, reminds us that the right amount is always better than too much or too little. It’s not about denying ourselves the small joys but finding the sweet spot where we can truly enjoy them without going overboard. Choosing lagom means recognizing that the little things—the extra moments, the small indulgences—are what make life richer.

Lagom is Efficient

Lagom isn’t just about balance—it’s also about smart, efficient choices. In a world where waste is all too common, lagom teaches us that efficiency means making the most of what we have and using resources wisely. It’s not about doing without, but about making thoughtful decisions that maximize value without excess.

When you order from Swedishness, we know many of you are placing your order from far away. Shipping Scandinavian delights across borders means you want to make your order count. And that’s exactly what DUO is all about—getting the perfect amount without wasting space or resources. You’re already investing in bringing a taste of Sweden to your door, so why settle for just one when two is more efficient and fulfilling?

With DUO, you’re filling your box with what matters most—your favorite treats—while being effiecient with your shipment.

It’s the lagom way: practical, mindful, and efficient. When you choose DUO, you’re not only saving with our 10% discount, but you’re also ensuring your box is packed with just the right amount, reducing environmental impact by making every delivery count.

And since we’ve applied DUO to only our most loved products, it’s about stocking up on what really matters—no waste, just more of what brings joy and comfort, balanced in true Swedish fashion.

Duo is perfect for those who think life is too short - But if one is really enough...the single option is for you and DUO isn't your Lagom...